‘Ass’ley Fat Ass 5k Fun

It’s this Saturday and YOU still have time to join me!I have “strolled” the Fat Ass 5k a couple of times. It’s very entertaining. You should bring your phone and maybe a bag. You will see clowns, ballerina’s, peeps carrying signs that say the most bizarre things, all sorts of costumes on every age imaginable. Have I freaked you out yet?

There are some pretty cool things going on along the downtown
Springfield route. You will see musicians, magician, pets, flying food, food trucks with free food samples. My advice, snag up those free samples. They may be tacos, donuts, candy, beer, veggies but they will fuel you and keep you moving. Oh, and most times, you will see lines. DO NOT cut in line! You will piss everyone off! The lines move quickly. The reason you carry a bag, lots of free little fans, swish balls, nail files.. you get the picture. If you don’t have somewhere to put the junk. You make end up putting in your bra, like I did, on my first Fat Ass 5k.

Any questions? Feel free to email me: See you Saturday at the Fat Ass!

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